Our Commitment

Fortuna will provide the client with the following documents:

  • A formal written statement detailing the position to be filled, the methods to be used and the name of the individual consultant who will be responsible for the assignment.
  • Throughout the assignment, Fortuna will maintain regular communication with the client and the candidates, appraising the latter of their current situation.
  • No information about the client or candidate will knowingly be with held if it might influence the other in their decision regarding the appointment.
  • If it becomes apparent that no candidate is available who can meet the specifications called for by client or if the length of the search will differ considerably from that originally anticipated, Fortuna will advise clients promptly and suggest alternative courses of action. If the client is unlikely to benefit from such a continuation of the assignment, then cancellation would be recommended.
  • Fortuna will be prepared to demonstrate to the client the extent of any search (while maintaining confidentiality) at any time during the assignment.
  • All advertisements would abide by the code of advertising practice.
  • Fortuna would agree with the client on the responsibility for taking out references and validating professional and educational qualifications. Permission will be obtained from the candidate before taking out such references.
  • In performing an assignment the following standards will be followed-Client will not be given details of any candidate without that candidate’s prior permission.-Fortuna will abide by the clients instructions regarding the confidentiality of the assignment and the limits of information, which can be divulged. Within these parameters candidates will be provided with a full and concise information concerning the vacant position.-In carrying out research, Fortuna will ensure that its consultants and researchers do not deliberately misrepresent Fortuna or their own identity for the purpose of the research.-Unless otherwise agreed with the client, no candidate will be proposed until his or her suitability for the vacant position has been satisfactorily assessed by an interview.