Value added Services

1. Orientation of Job Seekers
2. Mobilization Time
3. Our Guarantee
4. Ticketing
5. Follow up Activities

Orientation of Job Seekers

All selected candidates are required to go through a program of orientation prior to taking up employment. This program would include the cultural background of the country of employment, local customs, advice on personal conduct, responsibilities and laws relating to employment etc.

Mobilization Time

A candidate should be mobilized and ready for departure within the shortest possible time on receipt of visa, employer/principal would be notified in advance of a candidate’s arrival with relevant details.


Fortuna offers a 90 day guarantee on all workers it sends for employment. (Provided the entire recruitment process is carried out by Fortuna) This guarantee would entitle an overseas employer to call for a replacement of any worker, who has been found medically unfit. In such instances repatriation and replacement airfares would be borne by Fortuna.


Fortuna undertakes ticketing for all selected candidates and makes reservations through our own Civil Aviation accredited Travel/Ticketing Bureau. Being a pioneer overseas recruiting agent, the GSA’s for major airlines serving the Middle East & Far East offer us the lowest fares, and the most convenient direct routing.

Follow up Activities

Fortuna provides a follow up service designed to boost worker morale, improve attitudes to work and ensures the proper discharge of responsibilities, through its partners overseas.